Trademark Policy

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Version 1.0 - Effective July 1st, 2021

This policy grants you limited permission to use the Conveyor Marks in connection with your use of the Services.

These Conveyor Trademark Guidelines (the "Trademark Guidelines") form an integral part of the Conveyor Terms of Service (the "Terms of Service") between Conveyor Inc. ("Conveyor", "we",”us", or "our") and you or the entity you represent ("you").

Obligations under this policy (both ours and yours) are incorporated by reference into the Conveyor Terms of Service.

The Conveyor Marks are assets of significant value to us and these Trademark Guidelines are intended to preserve that value. These Trademark Guidelines provide you a limited permission to use the Conveyor Marks (as defined below), in connection with your use of the Services (as defined in the Terms of Service), or in connection with software products designed to be used with the Services, on the terms set forth herein and in the Terms of Service, until such time as we may terminate such permission, which we may do at any time, in our sole discretion.


For the purposes of these Trademark Guidelines, "Conveyor Marks" means the following trademarks, service marks, service or trade names, logos, product names, or designations of Conveyor and its affiliates:

  • The logo in the form shown below (the "Logo"); and
  • "Conveyor," Conveyor Inc.," and any other Conveyor Marks and Services made available from time to time.


Limited Permission

Provided that you are in good standing with a current and valid account for use of the Services and provided, further, that you comply at all times with the terms of both the Terms of Service and these Trademark Guidelines, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable permission, under our intellectual property rights in and to the Conveyor Marks, and only to the limited extent of our intellectual property rights in and to the Conveyor Marks, to use the Conveyor Marks for the following limited purpose, and only for such limited purpose:

You may utilize the Logo or the appropriate form(s) of the "for" or equivalent naming convention or URL naming convention, as set forth below, to:

  • Identify your content and applications (as defined in the Terms of Service) as using the Services; or
  • To identify software tools or applications that you create and distribute that are intended for use in connection with the Services.

Without limitation of any provision in the Terms of Service, you acknowledge that any use that you elect to make of the Conveyor Marks, even if permitted hereunder, is at your sole risk and that we shall have no liability or responsibility in connection therewith.

Your permission to use the Conveyor Marks is a limited permission and you may not use the Conveyor Marks for any other purpose. You may not transfer, assign or sublicense your limited permission to use the Conveyor Marks to any other person or entity.

Your use of the Conveyor Marks shall comply with:

  • The most up-to-date versions of the Terms of Service and this Policy; and
  • Any other terms, conditions or policies that we may issue from time to time to govern use of the Conveyor Marks.

Your permission to use the Conveyor Marks hereunder shall automatically terminate and you must immediately stop using the Conveyor Marks if at any time:

  • The Terms of Service is terminated;
  • Your content no longer uses any of the Services, or your applications cannot be used with any of the Services, as applicable; or
  • Your account is closed, either by you or by us.

Modification and Termination

You understand and agree that, without prior notice to you and at our sole discretion:

  • We may modify this Policy at any time;
  • We may modify or terminate your limited permission to use the Conveyor Marks, at any time in our sole discretion, for any reason or for no reason at all; and
  • We reserve the right to take any and all actions including, without limitation, legal proceedings, against any use of the Conveyor Marks that does not comply with the terms of the Terms of Service or this Policy.

No Affiliation or Endorsement

You will not display the Conveyor Marks in any manner that implies that you are related to, affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by us, or in a manner that could reasonably be interpreted to suggest that your content, application, web site, product or service, has been authored or edited by us, or represents our views or opinions.

No Disparagement

You may only use the Conveyor Marks in a manner designed to maintain the highest standard, quality and reputation that is associated with the Conveyor Marks and you will not use the Conveyor Marks to disparage us or our products or services.

No Dominant Display; Conveyor Mark Differentiation

You may not display any Conveyor Mark as the largest or most prominent trademark in any materials (including, without limitation, any website or product literature) associated with your content, application, software tool or other software application. When using any Conveyor Mark (other than the Logo, with respect to which the formatting requirements set forth below, or in a URL), you must distinguish the Conveyor Mark from the name of your content and/or other surrounding text by capitalizing the first letter of the Conveyor Mark, capitalizing or italicizing the entire Conveyor Mark, placing the Conveyor Mark in quotes, or using a different style or color of font for the Conveyor Mark.

Formatting Requirements with Respect to the Logo

No Modification. We will make the Logo images available to you on the Conveyor site. You may not remove, distort or modify any element of the Logo; provided however, you may transform the file format itself, for ease of use.

Colors. The Logo image must be represented in its original color scheme (#33c69f). The Logo text may be represented in its original dark color (#132333) on a white (#000000) background, or vice versa.

Spacing. The Logo must appear by itself, with reasonable spacing (at least the height of the Logo) between each side of the Logo and other graphic or textual elements.

Size. The Logo, as shown in Section 2 of this Policy, indicates the minimum size at which you may display it to ensure that the type and trademark notations are legible. The minimum size for the Logo shall be: Inches: 2.08" x 0.52" Pixels: 150×40, or Millimeters: 53×14.

Alt/Title Attribute. The Alternative Text (alt/title attribute of the image tag) should either be set to the following text or be left blank: "Powered by Conveyor".

Permissible Uses of the Conveyor Marks

Except for the Logo (with respect to which the formatting requirements are set forth above), you may only use the Conveyor Marks: (i) in a relational phrase using "for" or one of the limited number of equivalent naming conventions , as set forth below; or (ii) to the right of the top level domain name in a URL in the format set forth below.

Relational Phrases

Example of Permissible Use: "Logtastic - Audit Logging for Conveyor"

Equivalents: You may replace "for" in the example above with any of the following, so long as the term you use is accurate when used with the Conveyor Marks you use: "for use with"; "with"; "compatible with"; "works with"; "powered by"; "built on"; "built with"; "developed on"; "developed with."

You may replace "Conveyor" in the examples above with any of the Conveyor Marks, so long as your usage of the Conveyor Marks is accurate.


Example of Permissible Use:

Equivalents: You may replace "Conveyor" in the example above with any of the Conveyor Marks, so long as your usage of the Conveyor Marks is accurate.


You shall link each use of the Conveyor Marks directly to the following URL, wherever technically feasible: You may open the URL in a new browser window. You may not link the Conveyor Marks to any web site other than the primary URL for the applicable Service. You may not frame or mirror any of our web site pages.

No Combination

You may not hyphenate, combine or abbreviate the Conveyor Marks. You shall not incorporate the Conveyor Marks into the name of your organization, or your services, products, trademark or logos. The foregoing prohibition includes the use of the Conveyor Marks in the name of any application, service or product or in a URL to the left of the top-level domain name (e.g., ".com", ".net", ".uk", etc.). For example, URLs such as", "" are expressly prohibited.


You must include the following statement in any materials that include the Conveyor Marks: "Conveyor, the Conveyor logo, [and name any other Conveyor Marks used in such materials] are trademarks of Conveyor Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries." In addition, the Conveyor Marks must be designated with the ™/"tm" notice as indicated in Section 2 of this Policy.

No Misleading Use

You may not display the Conveyor Marks in any manner that is misleading, unfair, defamatory, infringing, libelous, disparaging, obscene or otherwise objectionable as determined by us in our sole discretion.

Trade Dress

You may not imitate the trade dress or "look and feel" of any of our web sites or pages contained in any of our web sites, including without limitation, the branding, color combinations, fonts, graphic designs, product icons or other elements associated with us.

Compliance with Law; Appropriate Activities

You may not use the Conveyor Marks in any manner that violates any United States or foreign, federal, state, provincial, municipal, local or other, law or regulation. Without limiting the foregoing, or any provision in the Terms of Service, you may not display any Conveyor Mark on your site if your site contains or displays adult content or promotes illegal activities, gambling, or the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under twenty-one (21) years of age.

Reservation of Rights

Except for the limited permission specified in Section 3 above, nothing in the Terms of Service or this Policy shall grant or be deemed to grant you any right, license, title or interest in or to any Conveyor Mark or any of our or our affiliates’ other trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, product names, service names, legends, other designations, or abbreviations of any of the foregoing. You acknowledge and agree that we and our affiliates retain any and all intellectual property and other proprietary rights in and to the Conveyor Marks. All use by you of the Conveyor Marks including any goodwill associated therewith, shall insure to the benefit of Conveyor.

No Challenges

You agree that you will not, at any time, challenge or encourage, assist or otherwise induce third parties to challenge the Conveyor Marks (except to the extent such restriction is prohibited by law) or our registration thereof, nor shall you attempt to register any trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, product names, service names, legends, domain names, other designations, or abbreviations of any of the foregoing, or other distinctive brand features that are confusingly similar in any way (including, but not limited to, sound, appearance and spelling) to the Conveyor Marks.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding your obligations under this Policy or questions about any Conveyor Mark, please email us at